S1E8: The Youth Participation Episode Part 2

Show notes

In a 2014 World Bank report, the youth account for 35.4% of Kenya's population, with millions entering the labor market annually.

Young people tend to be marginalized from process planning and limited in their ability to affect decision-making. Young people want and deserve a voice in their communities. Yet young people often have no direct role in shaping or influencing local policies and programs.

Evidence from case studies demonstrates that effective youth participation leads to better results and greater awareness of young people's needs, capacities, and aspirations.

Unfortunately, young people are increasingly unable to attain adult social and economic status. Young people are more than 3.3 times more likely than adults to be unemployed.

Aggrey Mamesa from the Department of Agriculture in Siaya County will shed more light on our topic of youth participation.

Join us.

If you have questions, are looking for more information on the Agri-Jobs 4 Youth initiative, or wish to collaborate with us, please email agri-jobs4youth@giz.de. Also, follow the conversation online through #kilimonibiz. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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