S2E1: Agri-Jobs 4 Youth - The Youth Employment Podcast

Show notes

Only one out of ten young Kenyans actively participates in the agri-food sector. This is a surprisingly low number considering that around 80% of the total labour force in the rural works in the sector, and that agriculture contributes more than half of the GDP. So why are agriculture and its related industries so unattractive to youths? Are they afraid of getting their hands dirty in the soil or the cow shed, is there no money in the business, or is it just too difficult to find an entry into the market up and down the value chains?

During our first episode, we explore the challenges that young people face in the agri-food sector and talk about an initiative that tackles different aspects in the labour market, the education sector, the organisation of youths and governance on county level at the same time in order to achieve the biggest impact for the youth in Western Kenya.

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